Ascii Printout

In: File

This command provides a textual ASCII printout of the PragTics data_base content. Each data_vector in the data_base is written to a separate line, starting with the data_vector containing the data_bases items (marked as THIS). The subsequent columns of the printout are:

File ~ file name

Identification ~ identification string (ID-name, ID-number) in the data_base

Type Number ~ integer value corresponding to the type of content nowadays usable just for the designer

Number of Items ~ number of all items in data_vector. If n is number of items and dim corresponds to a dimension of each item in the data_vector (e.g. stress printout has dim = 6 if the full tensor is used), then the number of items is n x dim. Do not be embarassed by negative number here. The data_vector with non-uniform structure can be marked by dim < 0.

Size of Item ~ number of bytes reserved to the item (4 ~ integer value, 8 ~ double value, higher number ~ some structure)

Similar structure of data_base data can be shown within the View/Edit window of PragTic by running the command View Database.

© PragTic, 2007

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